Monday 26 May 2014

More Horse Pics on Monday

Hi everyone! This is my second post! ☺☺ And here are some more horse pictures for you, I hope you enjoy. ☻♥☻♥☻♥☻♥☻

I keep seeing these beautiful freckled horses on Pinterest and have never seen one in real life :(  Absolutely gorgeous!

I've always been partial to the Palomino's...and I think by this picture you can see beautiful!

...absolutely gorgeous- Looks like a horse I used to lease when I was in High School named J'Lan

"You are a great champion. When you ran, the ground shook, the sky opened, and mere mortals parted. Parted the way to victory, where you'll meet me in the winner's circle, and I'll put a blanket of flowers on your back." - Dreamer

I'm actually terrified of horses, but this horse is beautiful!

Wild Horses. Makes me heart melt. Such amazing animals.

Appaloosa colt ~ the Nez Perce people of American Pacific Northwest developed the original American breed.

adorable baby horse

Nothing cuter than a baby horse!

Baby Horses - Cute Photos

WHAT IS THAT??!?!!??!-horse

Mare and Foal - This way little one says Mama herd bonding 8x10 Photographic giclee print

baby horse

This Saddlebred breed foal, originated in Kentucky on the Southern plantaions. Their training history has brought them to be able to be taught a 5-gait walking variety. They are exagerated high steppers and can compete in several disciplines, including dressage. This pretty baby already has his breed's traits showing up! He's beautiful!

"The morning of life is like the dawn of a day, full of purity, visions, and harmony." ― Chateubriand

~~Ippo a rare baby Zonkey ~ foal of a male zebra and female donkey~~

^This isn't a horse, but I just had to show you! This is a donkey/zebra. SO CUTE!!
Bye for now...
 Cherise ♥☻☺♥☻☺


  1. awww. Alll the pictures are nice!

  2. Oh yeah. I nominated you for the Beautiful Blog award... go to my blog.
